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There will be a variety of volunteer opportunities across member communities. Forever 52 members will be asked about interest areas, as well as regions interested in serving. As opportunities arise, choices will be offered for events and frequency of volunteering. All Forever 52 volunteers are appreciated!

Review the below and apply today!

Leadership Structure

Executive Team

Forever 52 has an Executive Team of decision makers, who provide:
• Oversight
• Structure/Governance
• Coordination
• Communication
Based on input & collaboration with HQ, Interest Area Captains, and Regional Leads

HQ Management and Operations

Forever 52 HQ Captain roles: specialized skills providing expertise to support
development and expansion of organizational structure
Time commitment: 5-10 hours/ week, daily computer access

Forever 52 has HQ Captain roles for:
• Captain Support Team
• Event Coordination
• Hospitality
• Supplies/Facilities
• Networking
• Social Media
• Website
• Marketing
• IT assistance
• Administration

Interest Area Captains

Forever 52 Interest Area Captain Roles: research and vet appropriate charities, and
coordinate with Regional Leads to support local efforts for people groups, special
interests, and basic needs
Time commitment: daily computer access, 5-10 hours/week

Forever 52 has Interest Area Captains for:
People Groups: Kids, Youth, Elderly, Disabled, Veterans Affairs

Special Interests: Emergency, Construction, Homeless, Human Trafficking, Animals, Environmental, Large Events

Basic Needs: Food, Clothing, Housing, Jobs, Health/Medical, Fitness

Regional Leads

Forever 52 Regional Lead Roles: oversee events and volunteers in specific regions, in
coordination with Interest Area Captains
Time commitment: weekly prep, monthly events, 5-10 hours/week

Forever 52 has Regional Leads for:
•Metro Minneapolis
•Metro St. Paul
•NW suburbs
•NE suburbs (incl WI north of I-94)
•SW suburbs
•SE suburbs (incl WI south of I-94)
•Central MN area
•Northeast MN area (incl Duluth/Superior)
•Northwest MN area (inclNorth Dak)
•Southern MN Area (inclIowa, South Dak)
•Internet/Long Distance